Period Care: Ayurvedic Recommendations For Optimal Health During Menstruation

Ayurveda is a wonderful method for re-establishing a connection with your true self. Unfortunately, period discomfort and irregularity have no universally applicable treatment. By addressing these issues at their source, you can make improvements to your body that are consistent and long-lasting. You can obtain optimal physical and mental health by menstrual cycle precautions period. 


How to take care in periods? Let's learn the period care solution or precautions during periods.


How Three Doshas Affect Your Period Cycle: Symptoms & Causes

Doshas Affect Your Period Cycle


What happens to your body on your period? Estrogen, a hormone associated with menstruation, can disrupt the balance of these doshas. The three doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha—can provoke Estrogen (a hormone associated with menstruation) when imbalanced.


Vata Doshas Affect Your Period:


  • Irregular periods: Vata imbalances can cause irregular periods with varied cycle lengths or skipped periods. This can be caused by stress, overexertion, or exposure to cold and dry conditions.
  • Scanty flow: Vata imbalances can result in scant flow, light, or brief periods. This may be caused by overexertion, cold and dry weather exposure, or a low body mass index. 
  • Painful cramps: Vata imbalances can result in cramps that are either acute or spastic in nature. This can be brought on by stress or exposure to cold and dry conditions. 
  • Dryness: Vata imbalances can result in dryness throughout the body, including the reproductive organs. This might lead to problems such as dry or painful sexual activity or vaginal dryness during your period.


Pitta Doshas Affect Your Period Cycle:


  • Heavy bleeding: Unbalanced Pitta can result in excessive bleeding and severe cramping or discomfort. Factors like extreme heat or stress can cause this. 
  • Short cycle: Pitta imbalances can result in a shortened period cycle, which may have a duration of less than 28 days. Factors like extreme heat or stress can cause this.
  • Acne or skin irritations: Pitta imbalances can result in acne or skin irritations on the face or other body parts. Factors including an improper diet, extreme heat, or hormone imbalances can cause this. 
  • Mood swings: Imbalances of Pitta can result in mood swings or emotional imbalances, which may emerge as irritability or anger. This can be caused by stress, extreme heat, and hormone imbalances. 


Kapha Doshas Affect Your Period: 


  • Heavy, prolonged bleeding: Imbalances of Kapha can result in severe, prolonged bleeding, which may be associated with bloating and water retention. This may be the result of a sedentary lifestyle or a poor diet. 
  • Delayed periods: Kapha imbalances can cause delayed periods with a cycle length of over 35 days. This may be the result of a sedentary lifestyle or hormone imbalances.
  • Excess mucus: Kapha imbalances can result in excessive mucus, which may be seen in vaginal discharge or cause congestion in the body. A sedentary lifestyle or exposure to damp weather can cause this.
  • Weight gain: Imbalances of Kapha can result in progressive weight gain. This may be the result of a sedentary lifestyle or a poor diet.


Consult a doctor for advice and treatment, especially for severe or persistent menstruation difficulties.


Period Care: How To Take Care In Periods


What to do during periods? How to comfort a girl on her period? How to take care of girlfriend during periods? What should we eat during periods? All questions have answers - Here are some remedies for menstrual issues include:


Eat A Healthy, Well-Rounded Diet


What to eat during periods? A balanced diet of nutrient-dense foods & drinking plenty of water (to prevent dehydration) can promote healthy digestion and, hydration, & hormone balance.


Menstrual Cycle Precautions: The following things to eat during periods can help balance the doshas during the menstrual cycle.


  • Vata: Warm, nutritious foods like soups, stews, and cooked. Additionally, healthy fats include ghee and coconut oil.
  • Pitta: Cooling, hydrating foods such as cucumber, watermelon, and coconut water. Also, avoid spicy & fried foods.
  • Kapha: Light, warming foods such as sautéed vegetables and spices. Also, avoid fatty & heavy foods.


Traditional Dietary: Herbs & Spice


Herbs can help balance the doshas and promote a healthy menstrual cycle. Each of the three doshas may benefit from the following herbs.


Vata Dosha


Warming and nourishing herbs help balance the Vata dosha throughout the menstrual cycle. 

  • Ginger is a warming plant that helps boost circulation, reduce inflammation, and alleviate period cramps. It can be taken as a tea or an ingredient in food.
  • Cinnamon is another warming herb that can help regulate menstrual periods, alleviate cramps, and support good digestion. It can be taken as a tea or added to food.
  • Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb that aids in stress management. During menstruation, it can help balance vata dosha by lowering anxiety and boosting calm. It can be taken as a tea, supplement, or incorporated into meals.
  • Black pepper is a warming spice that might aid digestion and circulation stimulation. Additionally, it possesses anti-inflammatory effects. It can be taken as a tea or an ingredient in food.
  • Cayenne pepper is a warming spice that helps boost circulation and digestion. Additionally, it can alleviate pain, which may be beneficial for minimizing menstrual cramps. It can be taken as a tea or an ingredient in food.


Pitta Dosha


During menstruation, cooling and calming herbs can balance Pitta dosha.

  • Turmeric is a cooling plant that can relieve inflammation, regulate menstrual periods, and prevent excessive bleeding. It can be consumed with meals or as a supplement.
  • Coriander is a calming plant that reduces irritation and promotes digestion. It can be taken as tea or added to food.
  • Brahmi is a herb that can aid in anxiety reduction and relaxation. It can help balance pitta dosha during menstruation by lowering stress and promoting a sense of serenity. It can be taken as a supplement or incorporated into meals.


Kapha Dosha


During menstruation, herbs that stimulate and revitalize can balance Kapha.

  • Shatavari is an herb that can help maintain hormonal balance and boost reproduction. In addition, it can help regulate the Kapha dosha during menstruation by decreasing water retention and encouraging healthy digestion. It can be taken as a supplement or incorporated into meals.
  • Triphala is a mixture of three herbs (amla, haritaki, and bibhitaki) that can help regulate digestion, relieve bloating, and encourage healthy bowel motions. It can be taken as a supplement or incorporated into meals.
  • Guggulu is an herb that helps relieve inflammation and improve circulation. It can aid in balancing the Kapha dosha during menstruation by decreasing fluid retention and supporting healthy blood flow. It can be taken as a dietary supplement.


In addition, ginger, turmeric, black pepper, and cayenne pepper help to regulate the balancing Kapha dosha during menstruation


Adequate Sleep


Adequate Sleep


Sleep is essential for health and dosha balance during menstruation. Maintaining a regular sleep pattern of at least 7-8 hours per night, avoiding caffeine and alcohol before bedtime, and creating a calm sleep environment enhance sleep quality.


Warmth & Comfort


To balance the three doshas during menstruation, keep the body warm and comfortable. For example, a heating pad or hot water bottle can alleviate cramps and pain. Warm baths and showers can also help relieve stress and anxiety. Additionally, wearing loose-fitting, comfortable clothing and using blankets can help keep the body warm and relaxed.


Regular Exercise


Regular physical activity can help in balancing the three doshas during menstruation. Physical activity reduces stress, enhances circulation, and promotes a feeling of well-being. As a menstrual cycle precautions - gentle forms of exercise such as yoga, walking, and swimming can be beneficial. It is essential to avoid activities that can result in discomfort or overexertion.


Stress Management


Stress Management


Stress can worsen imbalances in all three doshas; therefore, regulating stress is crucial for a healthy menstrual cycle. Meditation, yoga, deep breathing, and spending time in nature are beneficial stress management approaches. Stress and anxiety can also be reduced using herbs like ashwagandha and Brahmi.




During menstruation, several nutrients can help balance the three doshas. Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil alleviate inflammation and improve hormonal balance. Magnesium supplements reduce cramps and promote relaxation.


 If you want to know how much of a supplement you should take and if it's safe for you to consume, it's best to consult a doctor first.


Maintaining Good Hygiene


Staying healthy and comfortable during your period requires good hygiene (must precautions during periods).> Period care hygiene tips:


  • Change your pad or tampon every 4-6 hours or more often if you're bleeding heavily. Also, change your pad or tampon before bed and in the morning.
  • Wash your hands before and after tampon or pad changes.
  • Wash and dry your genital area with warm water and mild soap.
  • Avoid using scented soaps, lotions, and powders in the vaginal area since they can irritate.
  • Avoid tight clothing and underwear, which can cause irritation and sweating.
  • Follow the manufacturer's directions for cleaning and caring for a menstrual cup or period underwear.
  • Use a sanitary disposal bin, wrap soiled pads or tampons in toilet paper, and throw them away.
  • Consider using panty liners or menstrual cups on days when your period is light or ending.


Remember, Strenuous exercise, frozen/raw foods, sexual activity, excessive caffeine/alcohol/sugar, and stress/emotional turmoil are 5 important things you should avoid during periods.


It's crucial to note that each person's dosha balance is unique, so what works for one may not work for another. Consultation with a healthcare professional or Ayurvedic practitioner can help you choose the optimal action to promote a healthy menstrual cycle.


Self-Healing With Namhya Periods Care Tea - An Ayurvedic Period Care Remedy 


Period care tea

Have a period problem that you're hoping to fix or prevent. Indian medicine Ayurveda emphasizes lifestyle behaviors, including period care.

Namhya's Women's Health Tea is the best natural choice for maintaining a balanced hormonal and regular period flow. This PCOS tea has the perfect blend of Asoka, Shatavari, Lodhra, Ashwagandha, Saffron, Garcinia Cambogia, and other Ayurvedic herbs to nourish and balance hormones.  

Now is the time to enjoy the benefits of Namhya Women's Health Tea here.
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Ridhima Arora

Ridhima Arora is an Indian entrepreneur, author, trained yoga instructor, and practicing nutritionist. She is the founder of Namhya Foods.Besides being the founder of Namhya foods, Ridhima also gives nutrition coaching in seminars to kids, NGOs, and corporates. She also works as a freelancer at Global Changemakers.