Jatamansi Benefits: The Healing Herb of the Himalayas

Did you know that Jatamansi is sometimes called "the fragrance of the Himalayas" due to its pleasant scent? Jatamansi is a popular herb that has been used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. With its numerous benefits for hair, skin, brain, & overall health, Jatamansi is gaining more popularity in the modern world. 


uses of Jatamansi herb 


Let's explore the fascinating benefits & uses of Jatamansi herb that you may not know about. 



A Compressive Guidance On Jatamansi


The word "Jatamansi" is actually derived from two Sanskrit words: "Jata" which means matted or twisted hair, & "Mansi" which means originating from the mind. Jatamansi is a perennial herb that belongs to the Valerian family. Its scientific name is Nardostachys jatamansi. This plant is known for its rhizomes, which have been used to extract oil for medicinal purposes. 


Different names in different regions know Jatamansi. In Ayurveda, it is known as "Jatamansi" or "Tapasvini." In English, it is known as "Spikenard" or "Nard." In Hindi, it is known as "Bhutajata" or "Jatamansi." In Tibetan, it is known as "Sumchug."


Jatamansi plant is native to the Himalayas & is found in regions such as India, Nepal, Bhutan, & Tibet. It grows in the alpine & sub-alpine regions at an altitude of 3000 to 5000 meters.


Macroscopic Characters Of Jatamansi


Jatamansi exhibits various macroscopic characteristics that distinguish it from other plants, such as its broad leaves with longitudinal veins, reddish-brown elongated rhizomes with tufted fibers, & pale pink or blue bilaterally symmetrical flowers arranged in clusters. These features contribute to the plant's medicinal properties & make it a valuable resource in traditional medicine.




Macroscopic characters of Jatamansi, including:


  • Leaves: Rosy, pink, or blue, longitudinally veined, growing in rosettes on the stem.
  • Rhizomes: Cylindrical, elongated, reddish-brown with tufted fibers.
  • Cork: 2-5 layers of cells filled with oil granules.
  • Cortex: Broad with 7-11 layers.
  • Transverse section of rhizome: Thin periderm, large parenchymatous cortex containing starch, endodermis containing globules of volatile oil.
  • Cambium ring: Distinct & continuous.
  • Vascular bundles: Collateral, lying within a ring of bundles, is a large pith containing scattered groups of sclerenchymatous cells.
  • Flowers: Pale pink or blue, arranged in clusters, bilaterally symmetrical, & usually bisexual.
  • Corolla: Purple-red, campanulate, with five lobes.
  • Stamens: Nearly equal to the Corolla in length & generally four in number.
  • Style: Nearly equal to the stamens in length.
  • Stigma: Capitates.


These features contribute to the overall morphology & structure of Jatamansi, which has been used for centuries in traditional medicine for its various health benefits.


Jatamansi herb 


Jatamansi History: A Timeless Medicinal Plant Across Cultures & Traditions


Jatamansi has a long history of use in traditional medicine. Jatamansi has a rich history & has been used for its medicinal properties since ancient times. classics like Sushruta Samhita, Nighantus Chikitsagranthas, & Charaka Samhita have described Jatamansi's medicinal properties. In Charaka Samhita, it is mentioned in Sangyasthapana Mahakashaya & used as dhumvarti for hikkashwasa, used in Kushtha. Hriveradighrita is used in arsha & kasa, while Mahapaishachikaghrita is used in unmade. Similarly, in Sushruta Samhita, it is described as Kumararasayana.


Valeriana - The Word Used for Jatamansi Plant


The word 'Valeriana' was first used for the plant in the ninth & tenth centuries. It has been valued for its medicinal properties from ancient times, in Ayurveda in India, Unani in ancient Greek & Arab, & ancient Egypt & Rome. In some Islamic traditions, the powdered root of N. jatamansi is also mentioned as the fruit Adam ate in heaven, which God had forbidden him to eat.


Jatamansi's Use in Medieval European Cuisine & Ayurvedic Medicine


Jatamansi has been used in Medieval European cuisine to season foods, especially as a part of the spice blend used to flavor. Even Hippocrates used the plant in sweetened & spiced wine drinks. In addition, the plant's rhizomes are used in the Ayurvedic system of medicine as a bitter tonic, stimulant, epilepsy, antispasmodic, & to treat hysteria.


 Chemical Constituents & Health Benefits of Jatamansi

Health Benefit

Plant Part

Chemical Constituent(s)

Scientific Mechanism



N-butanol fraction

Potent against all pathogens, including E. coli



Extract of N. jatamansi

Inhibits ulcer formation in Pyloric ligation models



Hydroalcoholic extracts

ACE inhibitor activities



Extracts of M. Vaginalis, I. Carnia & N. Jatamansion Extracts

Moderate results with morphological changes in HeLa cells 




Significant anti-anxiety activity without sedative effect



Hydroalcoholic extracts

Good anti-diabetic activity in alloxan-induced (animal study analysis in rats)



Ethanolic & petroleum ether extracts

Dose-dependent increase in urine & electrolyte excretion




Protective effect against acute, subacute & chronic inflammation



Essential oil

Potential for development into natural insecticides or fumigants




Stimulates or protects hematopoiesis in bone marrow



Ethanolic extract

Antidepressant activity in radiation-induced depression




Significant antitumor activity in Sarcoma 180 solid tumor bearing (animal study analysis in mice)




Free radical scavenging & increased antioxidant level



Hydroalcoholic extract

Anti-cataleptic effect in haloperidol-induced catalepsy (animal study analysis in rat)




Very effective & safe drug for hypertension management



Essential oil

Gram-negative bacteria sensitive, antioxidant activity



Hydroethanolic extract (70%)

Anti-stress effect with antioxidant property



Jatamansi Benefits: A Nature's Gift for Health & Wellness 


uses of Jatamansi herb


Some of Jatamansi benefits include:


1. Hair health:

Jatamansi benefits for hair by helping promote hair growth, preventing hair fall, & treating dandruff. It promotes hair growth by improving blood circulation to the scalp & strengthening hair follicles. It can also help reduce hair breakage & split ends & nourish the hair from within.


Jatamansi for hair growth can be possible by applying jatamansi oil to the scalp for these benefits, mixing its powder with other ingredients to create a hair mask, also, by consuming orally by mixing the powder with water.


2. Brain health:

 Jatamansi benefits for brain due to its neuroprotective properties. Jatamansi was one of the ingredients in a traditional Ayurvedic remedy called "Saraswatarishta," which promoted brain function & reduced anxiety. Also, it has been traditionally used as a brain tonic to positively affect brain function, improving memory, concentration & reducing anxiety & depression.




2. Skin health: 

Traditionally, Jatamansi uses for skin due to its anti-inflammatory & antioxidant properties, which can help reduce acne & other skin issues. It also has anti-aging benefits, improving skin texture & reducing fine lines & wrinkles. 


3. Promoting sleep & reducing insomnia:

Jatamansi churna uses traditionally for improved sleep & reduce insomnia. Because its calming effects on the nervous system can help induce sleep & improve sleep quality.


4. Reducing inflammation & pain: 

Jatamansi has anti-inflammatory & analgesic properties that may help to reduce inflammation & pain in the body. It has been used to treat various inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis & gout.


5. Stimulating heart health: 

Jatamansi has been found to have cardio-protective effects, which may help to promote heart health. It has been traditionally used to regulate blood pressure, improve blood circulation, & reduce the risk of heart disease.


 Stimulating heart health


6. Good for digestive health & reducing stomach issues: 

Jatamansi has been traditionally used to improve digestive health & minimize stomach issues, such as indigestion, bloating, & constipation. In addition, it has been found to have carminative & digestive properties that can help to stimulate digestion & reduce inflammation in the gut.


7. Promoting liver health & detoxification: 

Jatamansi has been used to promote liver health & detoxification. It has been found to have hepatoprotective effects, which may help to protect the liver from damage & boost its function in detoxifying the body.


8. Purify the air & calm the atmosphere:

Did you know that Jatamansi has been used for centuries, not only for its medicinal properties but also for its spiritual significance? It is believed that burning Jatamansi incense can purify the air & create a calming atmosphere, making it a popular choice for meditation & religious ceremonies. Jatamansi is also known as the "Spiritual Herb" & has been used to enhance spiritual practices, such as yoga & meditation.



How To Incorporate & Use Jatamansi


Jatamansi uses possible in various forms, such as:


1. As a tea or infusion: Jatamansi root powder can be added to hot water to make a tea or infusion. This is a common way to take Jatamansi for its calming & stress-reducing effects.


2. As an essential oil: Jatamansi essential oil can be used in aromatherapy by adding a few drops to a diffuser or inhaling the aroma directly from the bottle. It can also be added to carrier oils, such as coconut or jojoba oil, for use in massages or as a skin treatment.

3. In capsule or tablet form: Jatamansi extracts are available in capsule or tablet form for easy consumption. These can be taken orally as a dietary supplement or as a part of a prescribed treatment plan.

4. As a powder: Jatamansi powder can be added to food or drinks or used topically as a part of herbal remedies for hair & skin care.


    Potential Jatamansi Side Effects & Precautions When Using 

    1. Jatamansi is generally safe for consumption when taken in the recommended doses. However, excessive consumption may cause side effects such as dizziness, headache, dry mouth, & nausea.

    2. Pregnant & breastfeeding women should avoid using Jatamansi as its safety has not been established during these periods.

    3. Jatamansi may interact with certain medications, including anti-platelet drugs, anti-hypertensive drugs, & sedatives. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a healthcare professional before using Jatamansi if taking any medications.

    4. Individuals with bleeding disorders & those scheduled for surgery should avoid using Jatamansi as it may increase the risk of bleeding.


      Boost Your Hair & Brain Health With NAMHYA Jatamansi


      Are you tired of hair fall & dandruff? Say goodbye to these problems with NAMHYA Jatamansi! This natural remedy has anti-inflammatory & anti-microbial qualities that prevent microbial growth in your hair, making it silkier, shinier, & smoother while promoting hair growth. & that's not all, Jatamansi is also a memory booster & stress reliever. 


      Namhya Jatamansi Powder- Promotes Brain cell & Helps in Hair Loss (100g)

      Simply take NAMHYA Jatamansi powder only ¼-½ tsp twice daily with honey or lukewarm water for best results.

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      Ridhima Arora

      Ridhima Arora is an Indian entrepreneur, author, trained yoga instructor, and practicing nutritionist. She is the founder of Namhya Foods.Besides being the founder of Namhya foods, Ridhima also gives nutrition coaching in seminars to kids, NGOs, and corporates. She also works as a freelancer at Global Changemakers.